Wednesday 18 June 2008

Tom asks Posh to drop the diet talk

According to, Tom Cruise has banned Victoria Beckham from discussing diets with his wife Katie Holmes. The actor was said to be concerned about the influence the former Spice Girls star was having on Katie, so he asked her to remain quiet when it comes to food. A source close to Cruise said: �Tom told Victoria he was worried about how thin Katie was getting, especially as they want to start trying for another baby soon.�

Now Victoria, famed for her slender figure, is doing her best to refrain from talking about diets whenever she is with Katie. The source added to Britain�s Closer magazine: �When they�ve been out for meals together, she�s made a real effort not to comment on what anyone�s eating, and to try to order more food herself � even if she doesn�t touch it once it's on her plate.�

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